5 Ways to Make the Internet a Safer Place

Tomorrow is Safer Internet Day, an international day aimed at growing public awareness to show that it takes all of us to make the internet great for everybody.

Here are some things we can all do to make the Internet a safer, happier, nicer place to be.

1. Be nice.

Don’t say mean things about other people online.

source: giphy.com

source: giphy.com

2. Get consent first.

Ask permission before you post anything about someone, whether it's a picture of them or you're just mentioning them.

Source: youtube.com

Source: youtube.com

3. Speak up.

If someone’s being mean to another person online, don’t be afraid to say something. There are others out there who are also thinking the same thing and will be more likely to speak up if you do. 

Source: youtube.com

Source: youtube.com

4. Haters gonna hate.

So just shake it off. Be positive - it's infectious, so go ahead and make it viral. 

Source: giphy.com

Source: giphy.com

5. Love the interwebs.

Treat it (and the people who use it) well and it will love you back.

Source: giphy.com

Source: giphy.com

Learn more about Safer Internet Day and how you can get involved here.